Professional and Personal Projects

Professional Experience

  • Bench Accounting

    • Two years of content marketing experience in a fast pace startup environment

    • Published 60+ blog posts on a variety of small business centric topics

    • Lead the SEO strategy to over 1 million monthly readership

  • Artifex Digital

    • Lead the multi-platform digital ads strategy for clients

    • Provided creative consulting and copywriting

    • Specialized in D2C ecommerce brands

  • Finmark from BILL

    • Provided blog content on cash flow, forecasting, and creating dashboards

    • Wrote to the skill level of the intended audience of accounting and CFO specialists

    • Contracting engagement is ongoing

  • Full Stadium Marketing

    • Contracted to provide marketing and advertising material in the accounting and financial management space

    • Provided input on content for clients like Jirav, Relay Financial, and CollBox

    • Specialized in writing about Financial Planning & Analysis, digital banking, and accounts management

Personal Projects

  • Ten of Swords

    In 2020, my friend Dan and myself wrote our first EP, The Rapture. We followed it up with A Bath Of Orange Serenity two years later.

    Through this project, I’ve learned so much about developing a concept, defining a creative project as “done,” and collaborating for the best possible output.

  • nouns & such

    My personal music project. What started as one demo became two became a concept for a 10 track album telling the story of the cycles of grief, but i was there.

    I’m incredibly proud to say that almost everything, from the writing to the production and final release, was done by me with select contributions from others.

  • Vancouver Concert Addicts

    Contributor from 2012 to 2015. While going to university, writing concert reviews was the first time turning my writing into some kind of payment (free tickets).

    Check out my contributions.

  • Geyser Music

    My love for writing about music started with contributions to Geyser Music. I’d write album reviews, year-end lists, and thought pieces about current trends.

    The website is no longer hosted, please reach out for samples if you’re interested.