I understand the world through words.

Every concept, thought, and feeling we experience in life is uniquely communicated through language. Words contextualize, provoke, and inform everything we encounter. You can’t control someone’s reaction, but words can influence it.

When growing your brand, first impressions matter. I aspire to help you deliver a memorable, impactful first impression that delivers you the audience your brand deserves.

When I’m not helping businesses connect with and grow their audiences, you’ll find me cycling to local parks, writing music, and enjoying local craft brews, all while overthinking that last movie I saw, game I played, or song I heard.

Why work with me?

You know that whole left brain/right brain thing we’ve got going on? I have what I like to call “side of brain envy.” When I use one side too much, the other side gets jittery and begs for attention. Marketing is the rare discipline where I get to tend to both sides.

I have experience in SEO content, digital advertising, and email marketing. With each, I approach the situation with an openess to new ideas and the potential of my first instincts being wrong. After all, being wrong is one step closer to being right.

Using data and industry trends, my focus is always on creating content or implementing a strategy with a specific goal in mind. But that creative output still needs to be pretty dang good.